Poole Process Equipment
Poole Process Equipment continues to evolve and expand intelligently. By stabilising its strong position in existing market places we are developing value for clients in new sectors and territories.
Our culture is shared state of mind and behaviour. One which understands the importance of getting the detail right and why raising standards and expectations is crucial, it’s the way we do business – we aim to exceed and excel.
High-quality Engineering Solutions And Equipment Manufacturing
ASL Group is focused on delivering innovative and high-quality engineering solutions and equipment manufacturing services for customers in the oil and gas, petrochemical, power and water, marine, mining and pharmaceutical industries across the Gulf region.
Pressure Vessels
Pressure vessels are carefully designed and fabricated to hold either liquid.
Shell & Tube Heat Exchangers
Shell & Heat Exchangers are part of a wide verity of industry.
Air Cooled Heat Exchangers
Air Cooled Heat Exchanger is a system which keep the whole system cool and maintain.
Rapair, Re-Tube & Renovation
ASL Groups is expert to carry out the Renovation, Repair & Re-tube work.